Mr. P. Babuji
SICA Educational Trust
Take hold of your own self… See the whole existence is celebrating…
Change is the very quality of life and in change is insecurity. We, at SICA College, teach our students to embrace change rather than being afraid of it.
While SICA College is most widely known as a Temple with Values, on this groundbreaking reality we present a dramatic wake-up call to the world. A revolution in consciousness is needed to deal with the roots of our current global economic, environmental and social crises. Our College takes on issues that usually belong to politics, science and sociology – including such latest technology that makes our student aware of the reality of the present society and inculcate in them the values to be prepared for the future new dimension of the world.
As we all are aware of the fact that every one of us, regardless of nationality, religion, or political beliefs, has a sense of the current crisis of planet Earth. The environmental movement has support around the globe, while politicians — lagging behind reality — are still fighting over whether global warming exists. Decision-makers in government and in the private sector are dealing with the symptoms of this crisis, rather than addressing the underlying causes in a positive and constructive way. Our SICA College students through various programs and activities points out that the current world crisis is a crisis of consciousness. Until there is a radical change in human consciousness, the interrelated social, political, economic and ecological crises we face, Will continue. The radical vision of our college addresses how we can turn the present crisis into an opportunity and what we must do in order to steer our course toward a “golden future” for all humankind.
The real root of all our problems is human unconsciousness. And while many of the solutions WE at SICA proposes may seem radical to some, it is important to remember that what seemed radical yesterday is today’s common sense. It is not a question of whether you agree with us or not? It is a question of having the guts to ensure that at least OUR contribution is on the agenda. For centuries, human beings have been held captive by unconscious fear and greed. In this revolutionary era for change, WE offer a vision of the fully conscious human being and we promise to mould each of our students to transform into the only type of human being capable to bring about a golden future for this beautiful planet we share.
We hold our head with pride and take initiative to make our students agents of an egalitarian society through liberative education and to empower them through regular and formal courses to make them economically independent and socially aware so that they make better society and nation.
With Best Wishes…